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AV Gear Gives Back

AV Gear Gives Back

An average morning at the AVGear warehouse is normally filled with the bustling noise of moving forklifts and the sounds of shuffling shoes as top quality audiovisual gear is being stored, prepped, and shipped around the world. Similarly, an average day at our office is rife with the sounds of our team ensuring that our operations are moving along efficiently. However,  Wednesday, July 10th was no average day at AVGear, as the entire team set out to make a positive impact in our Las Vegas community by volunteering at a local nonprofit, Three Square, which is a food bank dedicated to ending hunger.

On the Northeast side of the Las Vegas valley, at the Three Square campus, the AVGear team was busy assisting with food preparation for Three Square’s “Meet up and Eat-up” program. In Nevada, more than 271,000 residents suffer from food insecurity, approximately 25% of whom are children. Three Square’s mission is to end food insecurity in Nevada by providing meals to those who are in need. During the academic school year, Three Square is more easily able to provide food to children as they can bring meals to schools, after-school programs, gyms, etc. However, the summer months pose a particular challenge to reaching food insecure children since school is out. So, Three Square implemented this program to be able to serve the children in our community year-round.

Clad in hairnets and gloves, our team went to work preparing and packaging meals for Nevada’s food insecure children in Three Square’s massive “Community Kitchen”. Just as AVGear treats every order we receive with the utmost efficiency and respect, so too did we treat our volunteer tasks at the food bank. Senior Listing Agent and Lead Generator Cedric Taylor was hard at work on the assembly line packaging a nutritious meal that included chicken nuggets, carrots & apples, Goldfish cheese crackers and other snacks, while President Gill Hayon and Junior Listing Agent Noah Weller ran between the food assembly lines restocking the food items, ensuring that the team never ran out of components to package. Warehouse manager Kyle Bleser even brought his mother to volunteer! The common calls of “More apples!” and “Bin runner!” were abound throughout the community kitchen which the rest of the community volunteers took part enthusiastically as carts stacked with our packaged meal-filled crates navigated their way through the assembly lines and into the massive ware-house sized refrigeration units to be stored before distribution into the hungry hands of those less fortunate. The energy, both from the AVGear and roughly 60 other community volunteers in the kitchen, was incredible, and it was a morning well-spent packaging thousands of meals for those in need! 

Besides providing the national and international community with top quality audiovisual equipment, the AVGear team takes joy in giving back to the local community where we all live and work. “We believe volunteering helps us build and promote a positive culture within our company, while simultaneously building and promoting a positive culture in our community by helping those in need,” said our president Gill Hayon highlighting the practical and poignant importance of AVGear’s work in community service. We are proud to be a member of our Las Vegas community, and dedicate at least one day each month to volunteer work and community service as our social responsibility. 

To find out more information about ThreeSquare, food insecurity in Nevada, or to donate your time or money please visit ThreeSquare at: https://www.threesquare.org/ , and be sure to come back next month to read more about all the ways the AVGear gives back to the local community while having a great time doing it!

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