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Juice Goose

Juice Goose PD1A Vertical Power Distribution Strip

$0.00 -

The PD1A and PD1B are smaller and less expensive than other power strips with comparable circuit capacity. Juice Goose's quality control and attention to delivery requirements means the right product gets shipped on time. Typical production time is 3 to 5 work days. Shorter lead times are possible.

Optional features include number and orientation of circuits, location and length of wire harness and length of conduit. An easy to use order Menu simplifies product feature selection and pricing. Or, Juice Goose can work from an integrator's design documents.

The PD Series offers a quick and convenient way to get just the power you need for multiple circuit applications.

The PD1A contains twelve NEMA 5/15-20R duplex receptacles that can in standard or isolated ground ("IG").

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