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Yamaha DM1000 Digital Mixing Console

$0.00 -

In the digital domain, the DM1000VCM ships with the outstanding REV-X reverb algorithm introduced with the SPX2000, while VCM plug-ins like EQ, compressor, tape saturation and guitar effectors offer the warm sound of analog circuitry. This console offers outstanding performance in the production and live / sound reinforcement areas, allowing individuals to be as musical as they want without having to rely on vintage effects and outboard equipment. If surround functions that support post-production and multi-channel broadcasting are what is needed, the DM1000VCM, like the DM2000 and 02R96, boasts compliance with the global THX pm3 standard for surround sound equipment, and like them it makes absolutely no compromises. In fact, as well as offering the ability to mix and monitor in 6.1 channel surround sound, this console boasts a Bass Management processor and a wealth of dedicated surround effects. The DM1000VCM also comes equipped with iSSP technology, making the creation of realistic sound fields a snap, providing exceptional performance for its range.Featuring control functions for Digital Audio Workstations like NUENDO and CUBASE, and compatibility with Studio Manager Version 2 for both the Windows and Macintosh for seamless control of your audio systems, the DM1000VCM is a compact, powerful console that gives superior usability, expandability and flexibility you need in a digital mixer.

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