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Tannoy AMS 8DC 8" Dual Concentric Surface-Mount Loudspeaker for Installation Applications (Black)


The AMS 8DC is a full bandwidth 360-Watt high sensitivity loudspeaker that utilises our all-new proprietary 8" Dual Concentric point-source driver with Omnimagnet technology on a Torus Ogive Waveguide to deliver wide and consistent broadband directivity with enhanced intelligibility – plus the linear response of our legendary studio monitors. The AMS 8DC is ideally suited for stereo or mono background/foreground music applications in theme parks, hotels, restaurants and bars, retail stores, as well as corporate AV, residential developments, and houses of worship. AMS 8DC loudspeakers provide a seamless sound signature within a multi-zoned environment that benefits from both ceiling and wall mounted TANNOY loudspeakers.

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