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ADJ P-16B Par Can Light


Having the right par cans lighting up your stage is crucial, and making sure that they are reliable and of good quality is very important. That is why the P-16A/B Special par cans are what you need to complete your stage light setup. Included with these par cans is the JDR50 lamp is is already assembled with the par can, so no tinkering is needed. Just take it out of the box and mount it to your truss. The P-16A/B Special is ideal for lighting tables, hallways, architectural applications, or any area where you require a wash of light. At 1 pound you will have no problem mounting multiples of these to your truss or stage setup. The A/C cord is included as well, so no need to go searching around in your gear bag. So make the right decision and pick up a pair of ADJ P-16A/B Special par cans.

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