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QSC CX502 CX Series 2-Channel Professional Power Amplifier


The CX Series is designed to meet the specialized needs of sound contractors. The 2-channel CX502 300W power amplifier has been designed from the ground up, combining the exclusive QSC PowerLight™ technology with specific features to meet the requirements of fixed installations. With high-output power, versatile loading options, high thermal capacity and unmatched reliability, the CX Series is the perfect solution to any permanently installed sound system. The CX502 is equipped with many contractor-specific features including 1 dB detented gain controls for easily repeatable settings and a custom security cover for tamper-proof installations. Active Inrush Limiting eliminates AC inrush current, cutting the need for power sequencers. The CX502 also includes an HD-15 DataPort connector to interface with QSControl, QSC's computer-controlled audio system, that allows remote amplifier monitoring and control via a standard Ethernet network.

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