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Cisco CTS-C90CODEC-K9 C90 TelePresence Codec 90 System


The Cisco TelePresence portfolio creates an immersive, face-to-face experience over the network-empowering you to collaborate with others like never before. Through a powerful combination of technologies and design that allows you and remote participants to feel as if you are all in the same room, the Cisco TelePresence portfolio has the potential to provide great productivity benefits and transform your business. Many organizations are already using it to control costs, make decisions faster, and improve customer intimacy, scale scarce resources, and speed products to market.

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Cisco CTS-C90CODEC-K9 C90 TelePresence Codec 90 System
Cisco CTS-C90CODEC-K9 C90 TelePresence Codec 90 System (Low)
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