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AuraSound AST-2B-4 Pro Bass Shaker Tactile Transducer


Bass shakers have a variety of uses from home theaters to gaming rigs as well as commercial applications such as arcade games. Easily add low-end rumble to any entertainment environment with the use of bass shakers. Bass Shakers from Aurasound Systems add the exciting dimension of feeling to the sights and sounds of video arcade games, movies, stage shows, and multimedia attractions! By actively converting bass sound waves into spine-tingling vibrations, Bass Shakers turn entertainment into a “moving experience”! Bass Shakers bring coin-operated video arcade games to life by transforming a game’s audio output into body-pulsing tactile sensations. With Bass Shakers installed into arcade seats or floor platforms, players can feel everything from a fighter’s punch to the roaring engine of a Formula One race car. In movie theaters, the action jumps off the screen, the soundtrack comes to life, and the entire experience is intensified. Bass Shakers hook up like a speaker and mount directly to a standard theater seat. Installed in seats, tables, booths, floors of showrooms, and theaters, Bass Shakers provide audiences with a more complete entertainment experience. Las Vegas stage extravaganzas, hit Broadway musicals, and rockin’ concerts virtually jump off the stage into the audience. Bass Shakers are ideal for bringing music, on-stage special effects, and laser shows to life.

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