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DiGiCo SD9 Mixing Console


The DiGiCo SD9 may be compact in size, but this digital mixing console is big on features. Stealth Digital Processing and floating-point Super FPGA technology put a wealth of power under the SD9’s hood. A 15-inch touchscreen and 24 touch-sensitive, motorized faders give you tactile control and instant visual feedback. The SD9 includes eight mic/line inputs, eight line outputs, four mono AES/EBU, and MADI I/O, along with two D-Rack ports. Primed for optimum performance, this 96-input mixer delivers 48kHz/96kHz digital audio for world-class sound with robust digital effects processing across both inputs and outputs. The full-featured SD9 includes a useful VGA display output and ultra-bright LED meters to ensure optimal visibility.

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DiGiCo SD9 Mixing Console
DiGiCo SD9 Mixing Console (Low)
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